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Picture your World Organized & Easier™ illustrates simple organizational concepts, techniques and ideas through photos.

Color Coding Makes it Easier to Find Clothes

Photo illustrating how color coding your clothes can simplify the task of figuring out what to wear and keep you more organized. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
Color coding your clothes can simplify the task of figuring out what to wear and can make it easier to find a shirt to match a specific pair of pants. To color code your closet, there are two basic options. 1) Option one is to group similar shirts together and color code within each shirt type. For example, you would separate your long-sleeve dressy blouses from your short-sleeve dressy ones, and so on, and then arrange the blouses within each shirt type in order by color. 2) The second option is a more relaxed organizing method and it uses a general color code strategy. You could organize your shirts only by color and not by shirt type. For example, you would mix all of your different types of shirts together and arrange them in order by color, regardless of the type of shirt. If your closet is somewhat small, the second option is usually easier to maintain.

Use Key Rings in your Closet!

Photo illustrating how the use of key rings can quikcly and inexpensively give you additional space in your closet and keep you more organized. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
Key rings or jewelry rings can quickly and inexpensively give you additional space in your closet!  I use these rings to group similar shirts together, either by color or style, and to separate my navy pants from my black ones.  How can you use rings like this in your closet?

Convenient Use for Cabinet above the Dishwasher

Photo illustrating a convenient use for the cabinet above your dishwasher. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com

Placing your everyday dishware and glassware in the cabinet closest to your dishwasher simplifies the task of unloading the dishwasher. You can stand in one spot while restocking your cabinet with the clean dishes and glasses. If you don’t have a dishwasher, place everyday dishes in the cabinet closest to your kitchen sink.

Organize with Baskets!

Use baskets or totes to better utilize the space on higher shelves. Baskets are great for organizing gloves and scarves plus other lightweight household items you may regularly need to access. This is also a convenient way to store outdoor toys such as bubbles, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, and walkie talkies. Grab just a few items or take the entire basket outside with you. Other uses include storing flashlights, umbrellas, or picnic blankets.

Note: To protect your floor/shelves apply sticky felt to the bottom of the baskets, as illustrated in the photo on the right above. The felt will make it easier to slide the baskets in and out each time without damaging either surface.

Photos submitted by Karen Redalen in Columbia, South Carolina.

Simplify your Linen Closet!

 Photo illustrating how storing only the essentials in your linen closet makes it easier to see everything inside and can help you stay more organized. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
Storing only the essentials in your linen closet makes it easier to see everything stored inside, easier to grab what you need, and easier to make room for new items down the road.  For more info on simplifying your linen closet, click here

Are your instruction manuals scattered throughout your home?

Photo illustrating scattered instruction manuals. Read this post to discover simple ways to organize the manuals. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
It’ll be easier to find the one you need if all your manuals are together.  Here are a few options to get you started: 1) devote a drawer or tote for your manuals, 2) create a three-ring binder and insert manuals into full-page sheet protectors, or 3) find and save an electronic version of each manual on your computer.

Towel Organizers: Decorative & Functional

Photo illustrating how a wall-mount towel organizer can keep you more organized. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
This towel organizer is a great option if you do not have a linen closet, or if you have a small one.

Hang this towel rack near your shower so towels are always easy to access.  Multiple colored towels also add a decorative element to the bathroom.

Hoarders Imagine Dozens of Possibilities

Many hoarders are very creative and can easily imagine dozens of uses for simple objects. This is illustrated in the picture below using a glass jar. The problem with this thought process is that they have too many options and have difficulty deciding on only one use for the jar.  Therefore many will acquire more jars, but often not use any of them.

Photo illustrating how an individual with hoarding tendencies can imagine so many uses for a single item, such as the jars pictured. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com

Jar Contents: 1. Shells, 2. Tea bags, 3. Balloons, 4. Binder Clips, 5. Misc Items, 6. Keys, 7. Cotton Swabs, 8. Batteries, 9. Receipts, 10. Candy, 11. Paint Brushes, 12. Tools, 13. Scissors, 14. Straws, 15. Pens & Pencils.

Convert a coat closet into a functional Catchall Closet!

First, remove the closet doors and any shelves or hanging rods inside the closet.  Next, you can either patch-n-paint the walls or use wainscoting and trim as illustrated in the picture.  Add a bench, shelf, hooks and baskets to make it easier to catch all the stuff your family brings into your home!

Photo submitted by Karen Redalen in Columbia, South Carolina.

Eliminate Bathroom Clutter!

Photo illustrating how a shallow-depth cabinet can eliminate countertop clutter in your bathroom and keep you more organized. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
A shallow-depth upper cabinet can eliminate countertop clutter in your bathroom. The cabinet makes it easy to access the products you need while keeping your counter uncluttered at the same time!

(Cabinet Measurements: 15 inches wide x 6 inches deep x 51 inches high).

Increase Kitchen Counter Space!

Photo illustrating how you can maximize kitchen counter space, especially on an island, by using a custom stove top cover. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
Increase your counter space with a custom stove top cover.
Note: Make sure the pilot is off and no residual heat is present before covering your burners.

Reuse Plastic Food Packaging

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! This photo illustrates how you can reuse the plastic packaging found inside cereal boxes. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com
The plastic packaging inside cereal boxes, crackers, and other packaged foods can be reused!  Save empty packaging and use as a replacement for wax paper and/or sandwich bags.