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Picture your World Organized & Easierâ„¢ illustrates simple organizational concepts, techniques and ideas through photos.

Hoarders Imagine Dozens of Possibilities

Many hoarders are very creative and can easily imagine dozens of uses for simple objects. This is illustrated in the picture below using a glass jar. The problem with this thought process is that they have too many options and have difficulty deciding on only one use for the jar.  Therefore many will acquire more jars, but often not use any of them.

Photo illustrating how an individual with hoarding tendencies can imagine so many uses for a single item, such as the jars pictured. Photo/Ann Marie Moore - www.AnnMarieMoore.com

Jar Contents: 1. Shells, 2. Tea bags, 3. Balloons, 4. Binder Clips, 5. Misc Items, 6. Keys, 7. Cotton Swabs, 8. Batteries, 9. Receipts, 10. Candy, 11. Paint Brushes, 12. Tools, 13. Scissors, 14. Straws, 15. Pens & Pencils.

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